With $50 a month, you can provide life-saving, nutritious meals to families in need.

Feed Our World

Go beyond a one-time gift, and help feed our world every month. Provide millions of life-saving, nutritious meals to families in need starting at $50 per month.

Make a BIG difference

Feed Our World with Penny Appeal USA

of children under the age of 5 lose their lives to hunger every year
50 %
million people in the world are underweight

No Food Pack Is The Same

30 Meals for $50

60 Meals for $100

180 meals for $200

360 meals for $600

600 meals for $1,000​

3,000 meals for $5,000

You can help provide meals to families in Gaza. With your support, we can ensure that families and children in Gaza are afforded the basic human right of nutritious meals. As the humanitarian crisis in Gaza continues to worsen, the need for nutritious food has become more critical than ever. In Gaza, more than 64.3% of the population classified as moderately or severely food insecure, according to the United Nations. This statistic is expected to increase given the current crisis. Join us in providing meals to families in Gaza and help make a BIG difference.

You've helped us provide 3.3 million meals to vulnerable communities since 2016

With Penny Appeal USA, no food pack is the same. We tailor each pack to suit the local needs of communities. A food pack in Syria can include items such as rice, white sugar, sunflower oil, spaghetti, salt, lentils, bulgar wheat, tomato paste, canned meat, and black tea.

We operate in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Lebanon, Malawi, Pakistan, Palestine, Somalia, South Africa, Syria, Turkiye, United States, Yemen, and Zimbabwe.

We operate in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Lebanon, Malawi, Pakistan, Palestine, Somalia South Africa, Syria, Turkiye, United States, Yemen, and Zimbabwe.

We operate in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Lebanon, Malawi, Pakistan, Palestine, Somalia South Africa, Syria, Turkiye, United States, Yemen, and Zimbabwe.

Provide nutritious meals across the globe

Suggested Giving Levels

  • 30 meals for $50 or $50/Month
  • 60 meals for $100 or $100/Month
  • 120 meals for $200 or $200/Month
  • 365 meals for $600 or $600/Month

Provide nutritious meals across the Globe

Suggested Giving Levels

  • 30 meals for $50 or $50/Month
  • 60 meals for $100 or $100/Month
  • 120 meals for $200 or $200/Month
  • 365 meals for $600 or $600/Month

Automate your giving this Ramadan

We’ve partnered with MyTenNights to help you automate your giving during the last ten nights of Ramadan. By automating your donations and Zakat, you don’t have to go online every night and donate.

30 meals: $50/mo

60 meals: $100/mo

180 meals: $200/mo

Provide nutritious meals across the globe

Suggested giving levels

30 Meals for $50
or $50/Month

You can help provide life-saving, nutritious meals and food security to families most in need in the US and across the world.

60 Meals for $100
or $100/Month

You can help provide life-saving, nutritious meals and food security to families most in need in the US and across the world.

120 Meals for $200
or $200/Month

You can help provide life-saving, nutritious meals and food security to families most in need in the US and across the world.

365 meals for $600
or $600/Month

You can help provide life-saving, nutritious meals and food security to families most in need in the US and across the world.

360 meals for $600

600 meals for $1,000​

3,000 meals for $5,000

Our Ramadan Impact

In Ramadan 2023, your generosity helped provide over 55,000 people with food packs and Iftar meals, which directly supported vulnerable families in across 15 countries. The food packs are designed with each country’s cultural needs in mind. They contain dates, legumes, vegetables, rice, flour, oil, salt, and other ingredients commonly used in local communities.

Across the globe, up to 783 million people do not have enough food and more than 40 million people in 51 countries are at ’emergency’ or worse levels of hunger, according to the World Food Programme. The overall aim of Penny Appeal USA’s Feed Our World program is to increase incomes of rural and sub-urban households, increase resilience of poor rural/sub-urban households and communities to setbacks, and improve access to food and individual nutrition of women, men and children.

Make a BIG Difference!

When you give to Penny Appeal USA’s Feed Our World program, you’re not just supporting long-term development, you’re also sending urgently needed food items that reach hungry families in over 15 countries. The food you send travels to both remote deserts and bustling cities, to hard to reach areas where poverty is prevalent, and to our own backyards, where hunger hides quietly.

Share Food with a Family this Ramadan

At home and across the globe

Ramadan is not just about the food you give up — it’s about the food you give. Families around the world will without anything to break their fasts with. You can change that.

Program Reports

Support Penny Appeal USA on LaunchGood

Set Love In Motion with Penny Appeal USA this Ramadan by feeding the hungry, building wells, and sponsoring orphans or creating your own fundraiser for a Penny Appeal USA cause!

The percentage spent on overhead costs varies annually based on factors such as the organization’s growth cycle, finalized programs within the fiscal year, and investments in infrastructure. This flexibility allows for adaptation to changing needs. You can read more on our Overhead Policy here.

You can read more about our Board and our team here.

Our Annual Reports and Audited Financial Statements are available here.

Yes, you can use this link to find out if your employer will match your donation.

At Penny Appeal USA, ALL of our programs are zakat-eligible. That means your zakat can bring nutritious meals to families, sponsor an orphan or provide a well to a family in need. You can view our Zakat Policy here.

Unfortunately, at this time we cannot accept crypto donations, however this is something we’re working on.

While we deeply appreciate the thoughtfulness behind clothing donations, Penny Appeal USA does not accept physical items, including clothing. Our approach is centered around monetary donations, allowing us to maximize the impact by directing funds to program focuses identified in communities in need in a more timely fashion.

Penny Appeal USA primarily focuses on implementing sustainable projects and programs to create long-term impact. We do not offer direct social assistance in the form of cash transfers or individual financial aid. Instead, we channel donations into carefully planned initiatives that aim to uplift entire communities, providing them with lasting solutions to improve their quality of life.

Please feel free to drop us an email at info@pennyappealusa.org or call us at (202) 851-2112 and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

2023 Annual Report

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