COVID19 Emergency Response
EMERGENCY: Almost 8 million Americans—many children and minorities—have fallen into poverty since May. Over 65 million Americans have filed for unemployment, leaving families with lost income, food insecurity, and lack of access to healthcare. To address the pandemic issue in the United States, we will open up the distribution of financial assistance once again to those who have been, and still are, affected by the ongoing pandemic. In 2020, with the help of more than 30 partners, we were able to provide +4,000 Americans with financial assistance. They and more like them need your help today more than ever. Donate today!
The World Health Organization (WHO) has officially declared this rapidly spreading outbreak a pandemic, and many countries are grappling with a rise in confirmed cases. The virus continues to spread globally and across the United States. As of January 4, 2021, there have been OVER 80 MILLION confirmed cases worldwide and over 20 MILLION in the USA (more than any other country).
The Impact of Covid-19 on American Families
Join Penny Appeal USA for a live webinar and Q&A discussion of the pandemic’s financial, physical, and mental impact of Covid-19 on family & community.
Here and across the world, we have been responding to the pandemic since March 2020 by providing families in need with access to food, hygiene products, protective equipment, and financial assistance in the form of hardship grants. Our Emergency Response team worldwide has already started setting up quarantine centers and distributions on the ground, delivering these necessities to those impacted in the US, Syria, Gaza, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Mozambique, and Uganda.
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Tragedies of this magnitude can make you feel like there’s nothing you can do, but you can help! Our unique approach makes charitable giving affordable and rewardable, and allows you to transform lives in ways that cost you just a few pennies (or cents) each day. Once the initial Emergency Period is over, all funds and projects will be redirected to other urgent global emergencies.
Updates from the field
United States
In 2020, we have distributed $1,500,000 to +1,500 American families in need, and we hope to reach more this year. Loss of wages, unpaid sick leave, food insecurity, and lack of access to healthcare are anticipated to disproportionately impact these groups. In addition to our #TeamOrange volunteers distributing hygiene kits that include shampoo and soap, we have been providing checks to families most in need. While food boxes and hygiene kits are essential, these checks will enable families to pay their rent, their utilities, their medication as well as their transportation.

Updates from the field
In association with the International Blue Crescent, we will be providing eight hospitals and nine public health centers in the northwest (Aleppo Governorate) with test and protective kits as well as face masks for potentially infected people. Protective measures are crucial right now and urgency is needed, in order to prevent the worst from occurring in this particularly vulnerable region. We have already distributed 1,450 hygiene kits to camps of internally displaced people (IDPs) in Al Fajr and Tal Jabeen camps, Syria, as well as hygiene promotion to those affected by the recent conflict in Idlib.
Updates from the field
We will be working with our partner ACRE, who have previous experience responding to the Ebola outbreak in DRC. ACRE Uganda work primarily in the norther part of the country and will be focusing on districts close to the border, which poser a higher risk. Through this partnership we will focus on awareness campaigns, distribution of soap, hand-washing equipment, and hand sanitizer to vulnerable households, prisons, and various public places.

Updates from the field
Rohingya Refugees
Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh
Our partner Sajida Foundation have offered a hospital facility to the government for use, including a quarantine center for 30 people, an isolation facility for 12 people, an ICU facility for 4 people, and 70-80 staff. With our support, they will be providing personal protective equipment to medical professionals, providing awareness materials through microfinance branches and protective gear to the volunteers, supporting community and building at the grassroots level, and providing hand-washing devices, liquid soap, thermometers, dry food and baby food to vulnerable groups.
Updates from the field
Western Cape, South Africa
Our South Africa Emergency Response team have delivered more than 1000 food parcels, +150 hygiene packs, and hot meal distributions. They are aiming to also provide gloves and N95 masks to medical personnel, in addition to set up make-shift treatment venues, and help hospitals that are in extreme shortages of testing as well as ventilators.